General Questions

Do you ship internationally?

No, not yet but don't worry we are working on it!

What is our shipping rate?

$7 flat rate within the USA. Free shipping on orders over $60.

How long is your fullment time?

We need roughly 2-4 business days to process and ship package.

Do you accept returns?

No, all sales are final please reach out to us via email if you have issues with your order.

Do you offer wholesale?

Most definitely!

If you are interested in stocking our products in your shop you can contact us here.

I would love to work with you!

Do you offer a candle making course?

Not currently!

Where are you located?

Burleson, TX

Do you offer local pick up.

Currently we don't.

Which mail carrier do you use?

We ship via USPS and we charge a flat shipping rate of $7.

How does the Subscription Box work?

You'll have until the last day of each month to place your auto renewal order for a sub box. Whichever day you sign up will be the day you are charged monthly. Unless you skip, pause or cancel your sub box.

Boxes will ship the first Friday each month.

Each month is a new fun theme with early release scents and pretty colors. Shipping is included for sub boxes ONLY!.

Do you have anymore questions? Ask away!